Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm Making A New Change...

I recently accepted a position with Covenant Management, and am no longer with Coldwell Banker Wardley Real Estate.  I will still assist buyers find a property in Las Vegas, but no longer have the time to properly help somebody sell their home.  Sure I can list it, but why do that if I cannot actively serve my client?  I will not be using this site for real estate as much from this point forward.  I will mainly use it for personal stuff, the dogs, and car stories.  See you soon!  

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's St. Patrick's Day! Did You Remember To Wear Blue?

You may be asking:  "Blue?  Don't you mean green?"  I really did mean blue.  The original color associated with Saint Patrick was blue.  The color later turned to green because Saint Patrick is said to have used the Shamrock (a three leafed plant.....not the four leafed clover) as an example when teaching about the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in Christian faith) to the pagan Irish (Yes, not many Irish were Catholics at one time.).  Over the years, people started to wear green, shamrock designs, decorated their homes with green ribbons, etc. to celebrate the day.  During the 1798 rebellion, the Irish soldiers also wore full green uniforms on March 17 as a political statement.  

Today, people wear green in many countries during this day.  In Chicago, they even color the river green.  What will I be doing for this holiday?  First, I will meet some of the neighbors of 4118 Demoline Circle, Las Vegas, Nevada where I will be holding an open house from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM today.  Then, I will be going back to the office for more training (I never stop learning about real estate...).  After that, I will follow up with my buyers and sellers before heading out with my fiancee.  On Friday, the celebration will continue with a few friends at the Flogging Molly concert in the Beach at Mandalay Bay.  Then it will culminate on Saturday as I drive my Jeep to support the Desert Wranglers Jeep Club and their sponsor Chapman Jeep of Henderson in the City of Henderson's St. Patrick's Day Parade.  Come check it out if you can on Saturday morning on Water Street.  My Staffordshire Terrier / Vizsla mix, Bradley Destructo and I will be in the black 2006 Jeep Wrangler 65.  We will be near a Jeep pulling a float for the dealership.  I hope to see you at one of these events!  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Open House In Southern Highlands

I will be holding an open house event 4118 Demoline Circle, Las Vegas, Nevada  89141 during the following dates:

  • 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM on Thursday, March 17, 2011
  • 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM on Friday, March 18, 2011
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM on Sunday, March 20, 2011
This home is in the Bella Vicenza subdivision in Southern Highlands.  This property is great one story home with an open floor plan in a gated community.  The home has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 car garage, vaulted ceiling, French doors, walk-in pantry, formal dining room, a great room with a fireplace, a jet tub in the master bathroom, and 2,311 square feet.

Come and check out this home.  If you are ready to sell your home, we can help.  We can help even if you are upside down.  If you want to buy, it's a great time and there are a lot of properties at amazingly low prices.  Search for homes here:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Are You In Danger of Losing Your Home?

You're not alone if you're having trouble paying your mortgage. The housing boom led to a record homeownership rate of nearly 70 percent, but some home owners now face problems making their mortgage payments and can't refinance their loans. 

Mediation Program Aims to Keep Families in Their Homes 

The Foreclosure Mediation Program was established as a result of the Assembly Bill 149, passed during the 2009 session of the Nevada Legislature. Its purpose is to address the foreclosure crisis head-on and to help keep Nevada families in their homes.

The new law establishes a Foreclosure Mediation Program for owner-occupied residential properties that are subject to foreclosure notices filed on or after July 1, 2009.

A homeowner who receives a foreclosure notice may request an opportunity to sit down with the lenders and a trained mediator and explore whether a mutually agreeable resolution.

If you feel like you may be in danger of facing foreclosure and need immediate help, contact Dale Duyan Realtor at or 702-403-0797 to find a solution.

Data from the Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors

Food and More Food

McKay and I treater her parents to Buca di Beppo, Summerlin on Lake Mead Boulevard in Las Vegas last Friday for her mother's birthday.  Like always, the food and staff were great!  If you haven't been to a Buca di Beppo before, you are missing out.  The decor will keep you entertained during your short wait for your food to arrive.  The dishes here are served family style and the portions are huge.  We tried the garlic bread with mozzarella, margarita pizza, fried calamari, chicken parmigiana, linguine fruitti di mare, and cannoli's.  Prices are pretty decent.  If you love Italian food, I highly recommend Buca di Beppo.

Yesterday, McKay surprised me for my birthday to my favorite Las Vegas steakhouse.....Flemmings in Summerlin!  This place cost a little more than normal restaurants, but it is always worth every single penny.  We started off with fried calamari.  They serve one of the best fusion type calamari that I have ever tasted.  She ordered a petite fillet and I ordered a bone-in fillet.  Both were perfect!  We shared the mushrooms, mashed potatoes with Parmesan cheese, and mac and cheese.  We ended the night with a creme brulee.  The staff at Flemmings is always top notch.  I was greeted "Happy Birthday" by the hosted, manager, server, and runner at each time each person first met me.  Then wished a "Happy Birthday" again when I left by the server and again at the door by the manager.  The server also gave me a box that I was not to open until I got home.  Once I got home, I was surprised to find 4 truffles in the box!  These truffles were so good.  They were only the inside soft part with a powder coating.  Mmmmmmm.....

Now is time to get back to work.  I have two meetings today at Coldwell Banker Wardley office in Summerlin, meeting a buyer at one of my listings, and then meeting with a possible new business partner at the Chamber of Commerce at Town Square on Las Vegas Boulevard.  Contact me if you want to sell your Las Vegas or Henderson property today.  If you want to search the available inventory, check out  Thanks!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Birthday In Las Vegas!

It's my birthday today, and I will be taking a break from Las Vegas real estate for one day.  To all my clients, don't worry, I will still answer any urgent issues and have other Coldwell Banker Wardley Realtors from the office assisting.  You are all still in good hands.

My first order of business, is to go to 4 Wheel Parts to see what I can get for my Jeep Wrangler.  My future in-laws gave me a gift to get something from there today.  I'm thinking about buying a Wind Stopper wind screen from Vertically Driven Products.  I might also buy a mesh top or bikini top.  However, I think I may order SpiderWebShade unless I can find a top that doesn't require a wind channel at the store today.  After that, I will take Bradley Destructo and Bowie the Wolf (she's not really a wolf, but so many people ask us if she is) for a nice hike in Red Rock.  Then I'll back back home and just in time for my wonderful fiancée to get off work.  I'm not sure what she has planned for me, but she said to keep the afternoon and night free.  We shall see.  I will have a great day today, I wish the same for all of you too!

In the meantime, if you want to search for Las Vegas real estate, check out my site at:  Thanks!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The official spelling is Daylight Saving Time, not Daylight SavingS Time.

Don't Forget To Move Your Clocks Forward Daylight Saving Begins
Sunday, March 13th at 2am

* If you change your clocks and your smoke alarm batteries, you may save more than daylight...

Benjamin Franklin conceived the idea of Daylight Saving Time to make better use of daylight in 1784. 
Today, most of the United States begins Daylight Saving Time at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March and reverts to standard time on the first Sunday in November.  In the U.S., each time zone switches at a different time.
In the European Union, Summer Time begins and ends at 1:00 a.m. Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time). It begins the last Sunday in March and ends the last Sunday in October. In the EU, all time zones change at the same moment.

   DST used
   DST no longer used
   DST never used

A safety reminder
Many fire departments encourage people to change the batteries in their smoke detectors when they change their clocks because Daylight Saving Time provides a convenient reminder.  A working smoke detector more than doubles a person's chances of surviving a home fire.  More than 90 percent of homes in the United States have smoke detectors, but one-third are estimated to have dead or missing batteries.  You would be surprised how many warning chirps I hear everyday while visiting unoccupied as well as occupied homes here in Las Vegas  while conducting my real estate business.
Call Dale Duyan at 702-403-0797 or visit for more information about Las Vegas real estate.  If you are a buyer, don't for get to ask me details about my buyer's closing cost incentive.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Las Vegas Real Estate February Sales Statistics

The two charts above clearly indicate that most residential real estate sales are REO / Bank owned properties followed by Short Sales and Traditional sales. At the present time the amount of REO inventory in the MLS system is decreasing. It is not known however, if the decrease is caused by property sales resulting in a reduction of REO inventory or from the banks holding more REO inventory for future release.
The recent foreclosure dominated market has created an extremely unusual statistic. The number of real estate purchases for "cash" has been steadily increasing. In February, 46% of sales closed with loans and 54% of sales closed with CASH.
Call Dale Duyan at 702-403-0797 or visit for more information.

Tips for Finding the Perfect Neighborhood

Your neighborhood has a big impact on your lifestyle. Follow these steps to find the perfect community to call home.

  • Is it close to your favorite spots? Make a list of the activities - movies, health club, church, etc. - you engage in regularly and stores you visit frequently. See how far you would have to travel from each neighborhood you're considering to engage in your most common activities.
  • Check out the school district. This is especially important if you have children, but it also can affect resale value. The Department of Education in your town can probably provide information on test scores, class size, percentage of students who attend college, and special enrichment programs. If you have school-age children, visit schools in the neighborhoods you're considering. Also, check out
  • Find out if the neighborhood is safe. Ask the police department for neighborhood crime statistics. Consider not only the number of crimes but also the type - such as burglaries or armed robberies - and the trend of increasing or decreasing crime. Also, is crime centered in only one part of the neighborhood, such as near a retail area?
  • Make personal observations. Once you've narrowed your focus to two or three neighborhoods, go there and walk around. Are homes tidy and well maintained? Are streets quiet? How does it feel? Pick a warm day if you can and chat with people working or playing outside.

Reprinted from REALTOR® magazine with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

Call Dale Duyan at 702-403-0797 or visit for more information.

How to Spot Mortgage Repair Fraud

As Las Vegas struggles to recover from our current economic challenges, many homeowners are still desperate for quick fixes, which makes them very vulnerable to mortgage repair fraud.
Generally, these scams take advantage of media coverage of federal programs, and they target those who are already struggling to pay their mortgage or are anxious to sell their homes. Being able to recognize the most common types of mortgage repair fraud can help you avoid becoming a victim.

1) Automatic Refunds - A company charges several thousand dollars for loan modification services. They do no work on the file but automatically send a refund check to consumer for a couple hundred dollars. They pocket the remaining money, saying they "tried" to get a loan mod but the bank rejected them. No one complains because the company "tried" and the consumer received a partial refund.

2) Double Escrows - A company tells the bank they have a short sale buyer at a low price in order to get appraisal. They don't tell anyone that they have a second buyer lined up to buy the house once the short sale goes through. They set up escrow and closing for the same day on both deals. Bank gets cheated on the original short sale since it is not legitimate, and the scammers make a profit on the second deal as well.

3) Principal Reductions - These are companies guaranteeing or advertising they can get you a principal reduction. Most lenders will not agree to a principal reduction, but scammers use this as an advertising ploy to get your money and your business.

4) Phantom Investor Purchase - This occurs when scammers falsely claim they have investors willing to purchase your house from the bank and then resell it back to you at a reduced mortgage. The investor pools usually do not exist, and the scammer is taking your money up front but not providing you any real assistance.

Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don't be pressured into signing or paying. Don't believe anyone who tells you not to contact your lender or instructs you to pay them, instead of your lender. For legitimate, FREE help, call toll- free 877-448-4692 to get assistance from a HUD-approved, non-profit housing counselor.

If you think you've been a victim, there are several state and federal resources that can help:
For more information and resources about foreclosure prevention and loan modification assistance, go to

Source: Nevada Department of Business and Industry

Call Dale Duyan at 702-403-0797 or visit for more information.

5 Feng Shui Concepts to Help a Home Sell

To put the best face on a listing and appeal to buyers who follow feng shui principles, keep these tips in mind.

1. Pay special attention to the front door, which is considered the "mouth of chi" (chi is the "life force" of all things) and one of the most powerful aspects of the entire property. Abundance, blessings, opportunities, and good fortune enter through the front door. It's also the first impression buyers have of how well the sellers have taken care of the rest of the property. Make sure the area around the front door is swept clean, free of cobwebs and clutter. Make sure all lighting is straight and properly hung. Better yet, light the path leading up to the front door to create an inviting atmosphere.

2. Chi energy can be flushed away wherever there are drains in the home. To keep the good forces of a home in, always keep the toilet seats down and close the doors to bathrooms.

3. The master bed should be in a place of honor, power, and protection, which is farthest from and facing toward the entryway of the room. It's even better if you can place the bed diagonally in the farthest corner. Paint the room in colors that promote serenity, relaxation, and romance, such as soft tones of green, blue, and lavender.

4. The dining room symbolizes the energy and power of family togetherness. Make sure the table is clear and uncluttered during showings. Use an attractive tablecloth to enhance the look of the table while also softening sharp corners.

5. The windows are considered to be the eyes of the home. Getting the windows professionally cleaned will make the home sparkle and ensure that the view will be optimally displayed.

Source: Sell Your Home Faster With Feng Shui by Holly Ziegler (Dragon Chi Publications, 2001)
Call Dale Duyan at 702-403-0797 or visit for more information.

Earthquakes and Tsunamis

I feel so horrible for all the victims of the 8.9 earthquake that hit Japan.  The videos of the tsunami that hit afterwards are so surreal.  Houses, cars, big rigs, and trees were just being toppled over like they were toys.  I'm sorry to know that there are a lot of people and animals being washed away in those waves.  I cannot even imagine the fear that all those people felt.  What is worse is that this is not over.  Having grown up in Southern California, I know that aftershocks follow earthquakes for days.  I pray for the best for everyone over there.

The latest reports say that the tsunami has passed Hawaii.  However, the people there need to still be careful. As I write this, all the residents of California, Oregon, and Washington are waiting for the tsunami to hit.  It is supposed to hit the west coast a few minutes past 8 this morning.  Tsunamis usually gain energy as they travel over the ocean.  I hope that it will only be a couple of feet high by the time it hits.  

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Open Houses

People ask my, "Why do you hold open houses?"  There are several reasons.  First, I want to sell my clients' listings.  Secondly, it is a good way to learn about a neighborhood and to meet the neighbors.  I get a lot of insight from people when they come to talk to me during an open house.  Thirdly, I sometimes meet people who want to hire me to list their home or to help them find a house to buy and rent.
As a real estate agent, I have to do a not of things to be successful.  One of my favorite things to do is to hold open houses because it grants me the opportunity to meet people in a very casual basis.  If they want my services and or help with their real estate needs, we can always make an appointment later.
I am holding four open houses this week.  Some will be at a equity resale property, and one will be at a new construction.  Call me at 702-403-0797 for details.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Charlie Sheen

"What does Charlie Sheen have to do with Las Vegas real estate?" you ask?  Nothing really.  I just thought I would jump on the Charlie Sheen band wagon just like many others this week, and chime in a little.
Like many around the world, I have become a Sheen fan due to his work on Two and a Half Men.  I just love the show and watch reruns every chance I get.  I missed the interview when it aired on 20/20, but caught up on most of it on their website after hearing all the news about it.  The whole interview was just so bazaar.  I honestly don't know if I feel sorry for the guy, or envy him.  Although he seems to many people as being out of control, he also may just be different just like he said.  If the former is in deed the case, I feel sorry for him and all his family and friends.  However, if he truly is different, then good for him!  If he really does believe in everything he said during the interview, then he is living the life.  Either way, I wish him all the best....."Keep on 'Winning' Charlie!"....Dale Duyan

Friday, March 4, 2011

I Saw This While Meeting the Neighbors

I was walking around the neighborhood around Rex Bell Elementary school today while I was meeting the neighbors of the 3004 Wilmington Way, Las Vegas today where Buzz and I are holding an open house, and saw this:

If you happen to be one of the neighbors and see this cat, please contact the owners.  Thank you.

Dinner With Friends

A couple of friends, my fiancée, and I had dinner last night at Brio Tuscan Grille located in Las VegasTowne Square.  As always, the food was exquisite!  We started off with Beef Carpaccio served with field greens, capers, mustard aioli and Parmigiano-Reggiano and Sausage, Pepperoni and Ricotta Flatbread.  We skipped the Insalata and left room for the main course.  One of my buddies had the Artichoke Crushed Beef Medallions, and it looked great.  It was comprised of 3 tournedos with artichoke crust and mushroom marsala sauce, mashed potatoes, and roasted vegetables.  One of the ladies ordered the Chicken Pasta Fra Diavolo in a special fashion (I’m not really sure what she substituted or eliminated.).  My lady ordered a wonderfully tasty lobster ravioli with lemon vinaigrette, butter sauce, tomato capote, and arugula.  I ended up ordering the Shrimp Pasta Fra Diavolo.  We ended the meal sharing two desserts off the dessert tray.

After that break to enjoy stories and laugh with friends last night, I am ready today to help customers find and sell Las Vegas real estate.  I will also be holding another open house for Coldwell Banker Wardley today at 3004 Wilmington Way in Las Vegas from 12 pm to 4 pm.  Make sure you stop by with a friend or two to say, “Hi.”  If you can't make it, give me a call at 702-403-0797.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Just Don’t Understand…

I understand the different reasons why people lose their homes.  However, I do not understand how people leave behind their pets as it the pet was just a piece of old tattered furniture.  All too often, pets are found in very bad conditions in abandoned properties that have been foreclosed.  Most of the time, the former home owner would just leave their former pet behind.  I do not know if the former owners think that the bank’s representative will find and take care of the animal soon after they leave, or if they are intentionally leaving the animal so that it will tear up the property.  Either way, it is just cruel, and it really upsets me.  If a person takes on a responsibility of adopting a pet, that pet should be a pet for the rest of the animal’s life.
During the past few years, I have personally saved many strays as well as donated to “No Kill” animal shelters and rescues.  My current dogs, Bowie (she has one blue and one brown eye) and Bradley Destructo will be with me no matter what.  Bowie, a Husky, was a stray whose owner could not be found.  Bradley Destructo, a Vizsla/Staffordshire Terrier mix, was adopted from the NSPCA in Las Vegas.

Having a pet in your home can be a great addition to your family, and will help add many happy memories to your life.  If you decide to adopt a pet, please consider saving an animal from a shelter or rescue center, and love your pet for life.  See you at the dog parks!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Rent?

I met a person the other day who asked me to help find her family a rental property because her landlord was going into foreclosure. Her current lease is for $1,200 a month for a 3 bedroom/2 bath. I asked why was she looking to lease again. There are several homes in her same Las Vegas neighborhood selling for around $100,000. I explained that if she purchased one of those homes, her down payment could be very similar to her deposit for a rental, she would have a tax write-off, she would have the pride of home ownership, would not have to worry about her landlord being foreclosed on, and her MONTHLY PAYMENT WOULD BE LESS THAN HER MONTHLY RENT!!! She asked how could this be? Assuming she purchased a home for $100,000, 3.5% down for an FHA loan, 6.250% rate, and 30 year term, her monthly payment would be a little less than $600.00!!! She is now working with a lender to secure a preapproval. We will then find her a Las Vegas home of her own.

Buzz Burns and I will be holding another open house event in Las Vegas. This is one of Coldwell Banker Wardley’s listings listed by me. The address is 3004 Wilmington Way, Las Vegas and we will be here from 12 PM to 4 PM on March 2, 4, and 5. You can call me, Dale Duyan, for more information on this or similar properties at (702) 403-0797 or logging on to

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brand New Home Built by Pulte Homes

Good morning everyone.  I am sorry about my absence from for the past few days.  I've been busy preparing to get married!  Now, back to business....

I have partnered up with Hugh "Buzz" Burns, another Realtor from Coldwell Banker Wardley Real Estate to hold 3 open houses this week at 11234 Almador Vista Court, Las Vegas, NV  89135.  This is a brand new home that is ready to move into.  It is currently listed for $247,213.  There are also several other models that we can show you in this neighborhood.  Call (702) 403-0797 to set up a private tour, or stop by during one of our open houses:
  • 11 AM through 4 PM on Thursday, April 24, 2011
  • 10 AM through 1 PM on Saturday, April 26, 2011
  • 1 PM through 4 PM on Sunday, April 27, 2011

The homes in this neighborhood are LEED Certified.  Their features include:  Solar Power, tankless water heater, and dual flush toilets.  Granite counter-tops, custom maple cabinets, washer, dryer, refrigerator, a driveway with pavers can also be ordered.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Surprise Under the Sheets!

It has always amazed my as to why many sellers do not keep in touch with their listing agents, and why many listing agents do not keep in touch with their sellers.  On the seller’s side, why wouldn’t you want to communicate any pertinent information to the agent you assigned to sell your property….a property that is probably one of your biggest investments?  On the other hand, why wouldn’t an agent want to keep in touch with a seller who entrusted a sale of a home?
This question came to my mind again this weekend when I went to a home that was listed as being vacant.  To my surprise, I saw bed sheet fly onto a body on the couch in the family room as soon as I opened the front door.  I quickly shut the door and checked the MLS sheet again to make sure that I had the right house and the right status.  Everything checked out and the property indeed was supposed to be vacant.  I then rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door.  A few minutes went by and someone opened the door.  The person inside explained that he was sent by the owners to keep an eye on the house and why.  I then contacted the listing agent and he knew nothing about this.  In the end, everything ended up O.K.  However, this whole embarrassing and stressful (I didn’t know if this guy under the sheets was supposed to be there or not) could have been avoided by a simple phone call from the seller to the agent.  The agent also should have told the seller that I was supposed to be at the property at that time.  I gave him enough notice to do so.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dale Duyan with Coldwell Banker Wardley Real Estate:

Dale Duyan with Coldwell Banker Wardley Real Estate:

Feel free to bookmark my website to use it for all the useful links and for your Las Vegas real estate needs and searches.  I will post things that will help people find dog parks, if their home is in a flood zone, school district information, etc.  Check it out:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Buying An REO In Las Vegas

REO stands for Real Estate Owned….by the bank. REO’s are determining many aspects of today’s real estate market in Las Vegas as they are a major part of our market. Any prudent buyer cannot overlook these properties. Many buyers and buyers’ agents need to know what to expect when purchasing REO’s.
First, buyers and their agents need to know that these properties are sold “As-Is.” When I used to work for one of the nation’s largest REO brokers, I negotiated with many buyers’ agents who did not understand this. We need to understand that the banks have usually already considered the necessary repairs or have had repairs made prior to pricing the property. The banks’ agents should have already advised the banks about the obvious condition of the property and how it stacks up against comparables. If buyers are concerned about repairs, they should bring a contractor prior to making an offer. The buyers should consider the contractor’s estimate and make educated and fair offers.
Secondly, know that the process will be different than when buying from an owner that is not a bank. After an offer is accepted, banks will usually issue an addendum or contact that the banks draft. Buyers need to read and understand everything on the addendum and ask their real estate professional for help if anything is unclear. In Nevada, a waiver will also need to be signed by the buyer releasing the bank from knowing the “normal” seller’s disclosures. Buyers should know that this is legal because the bank has never lived in the home and therefore, they do not know of all the negative aspects and details of the home that a normal owner/seller would be legally obligated to disclose. Buyers should take advantage of their due diligence period and have inspections completed as soon as they have an accepted offer. Agents should make sure that all the utilities are on once their buyers are accepted so that inspections can be completed. Buyers should also be aware that if items are stolen from the property during escrow, the banks will most likely not replace them. Agents need to protect buyers concerning this once an offer is submitted. Escrow will usually also be decided by the seller.
Lastly, agreed upon timelines are very strict. Even though it may seem like the bank takes their time on their end, know that they are working as hard and as fast as they can. They are dealing with multiple properties, and if the buyer slacks, many times the seller will cancel the sale due to the buyers’ non-performance. Agents should make sure everything on the buyers’ sides are being completed timely.
Buyers, please choose an agent who is competent in today’s market. Agents, if you lack the experience, please take some classes so that you can help your buyers.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Low Ball Offers

During the past two years of working in the Las Vegas real estate foreclosure market, I have seen many offers that were ridiculously low compared to the list price and the comparables. I’ve seen them as low as 25% of the list price. Usually, they come in tens of thousands under list. Guess what? I’ve sent out rejections from the sellers for every single one of them.
I understand that offering $400,000 cash on a $450,000 listed property is reasonable, and I have seen these offers successfully get accepted and close. However, buyers and their agents need to know that the sellers see many good offers from investors and owner occupant buyers alike. Many offers come in at or above list price. Why do you ask? Most of the REO sellers base their list price on BPOs (or Broker Price Opinions) and monthly reports. This means that most list prices should be very close to what will come in at appraisal.
Many of today’s buyers are very informed due to all the information readily available to them these days. However, buyers still need to rely on their agent’s experience, tools, and knowledge. Agents need to keep in touch with reality and need to take their emotions out of the equation when helping their buyers make offers. Agents should also be more informed with what is really going on in their real estate market.
If you are a buyer, choose your agent very carefully. You cannot afford to work with someone based solely on their personal relationship with you anymore. Today’s agent needs to have a different skill set than someone who was an agent in 2005. Please find a real estate agent with good and current experience and knowledge.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hot & Juicy Crawfish, Las Vegas

One of my favorite places to eat in Las Vegas is Hot & Juicy Crawfish on 4810 Spring Mountain Road.  Having lived in Houston for a few years prior to moving to Las Vegas, I learned to enjoy crawfish.  Naturally, when I saw Adam Richman visit Hot & Juicy, I had to try it.  

They had different levels of hotness and different flavors, and I wimped out.  During my first visit, I tried the crawfish with the mild Hot & Juicy sauce.  It was some of the best crawfish I have ever tried.
During my next few visits, I tried the shrimp, king crab legs, snow crab, blue crab, and my favorite dungeness crab.  Each time, I tried a different level of the Hot & Juicy sauce.  One day, I will risk trying a different flavor.

Who is Dale Duyan?

From mountain biking and running intense marathons to the exciting sport of motorsports, one thing is certainly clear, Dale Duyan is an adventurous individual who likes to live life to the fullest. With this enthusiastic approach to life, Dale never misses out on an opportunity. He works hard and plays hard, viewing each day as a new opportunity to do just that.

Fittingly, the first thing you notice when you meet Dale is his incredible energy and zest for life. From his intense work ethic to his exciting weekend activities and travels across the world, he has a positive spirit that seems to light up a room. “I feel compelled to do everything with passion,” exclaims Dale. “Life is meant to be lived wholeheartedly.”

To Dale, living richly means pushing himself to conquer his limits. With bachelor’s degree in real estate and master’s degree in computer information technology, this dedicated man always seizes the opportunities presented to him. Adding to this “go for it” philosophy is Dale’s drive to test himself physically. Many are surprised to learn that on top of all his other activities, he also completes a marathon a year. During these exhausting competitions, Dale doesn’t see obstacles; he sees a new chance to find out exactly what he’s made of.

As Dale sees it, living a quality life also means making an impact on the lives of others. He donates to Feed the Children, heads fundraising groups for the March of Dimes, and soon will build a house for Habitat for Humanity. On top of that, he rescues “unadoptable” dogs from the animal shelter.

Dale views his career in real estate as another way to make an impact and help people live life to the fullest. He treats his clients as he would his own family, always putting their best interests first. He is truly dedicated to making the experience as stress-free and pleasant as possible. And when it comes to such an important decision as buying or selling a home, the fact that Dale puts his heart into every endeavor is the winning factor for his clients.

An Unsurpassed Knowledge Equipped with a degree in real estate, Dale offers his clients a comprehensive plan for their goals today and their plan for the future. He assists with each aspect of the process, from finance and escrow papers to mortgage information and industry trends. Indeed, his powerful negotiation skills, dedication to fulfilling his clients’ goals, and his passion for going the extra mile, allows his clients to live their ideal lifestyle.

Experience the difference with Dale. Dale’s enthusiasm and zest for life continues to set him apart in this extremely competitive business. He makes the real estate experience a pleasant and memorable one. So, when it comes time to make a move, turn towards someone who is truly passionate about seeing you succeed. Call Dale at 702-403-0797 today. He’ll help you Live it Up!